Oceans & Company is exclusively instructed to offer you the Rahmhof for sale. For further information please contact:
IRAF Lotti Sàrl
6, Rue Adolphe
L-1116 Luxembourg
Herr Laurent Heiliger
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Luxembourg
Handelsregisternummer: B220565
This information does not claim to represent a complete description of the building or to contain all information that a potential buyer needs to make a decision. This information does not replace any examination of the purchase or sale object by the recipient itself. They also do not constitute an offer to acquire the building or shares of it. No contractual or other obligations or rights may be derived from this document and the information contained therein.
No express or implied warranties, representations, or other numbers expressed or implied, shall be accepted by the owner (and his affiliates) for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the information, figures, projections and forecasts in this document, the owner ( as well as his sub-companies) and Oceans & Company do not accept any liability in this regard.
This information is confidential and may not be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the owner or Oceans & Company. Neither the owner nor Oceans & Company is obligated to grant the recipient access to further information or to update and evaluate the information presented in this document, which is found to be faulty during the course of the sales process. Prospective buyers who are interested in acquiring or evaluating the property will continue to appoint their own financial and advisory advisors.